Dec 16, 2015 · PIRR(项目IRR)和EIRR(资本金IRR)的关系,我分别用两种现金流计算了这两种IRR,但是发现并不满足PIRR=EIRR*K+(1-K)*I.(k为项目资本金比率,I为长期 ...
Mar 26, 2017 · 11 个回答 · 当你借款的成本(银行利率)高于你自己干的收益(项目或全投资内部收益率)的时候,资本金内部收益率(EIRR)小于全投资内部收益率(PIRR)。
In this article you will learn more about the difference between Project IRR, Equity IRR and Payout IRR. Meaning of IRR. The IRR (Internal Rate of Return) ...
(I) Project IRR (PIRR) considers the project's overall rate of return by considering all cash inflows and outflows to and from the project. (II) Equity IRR ( ...
Pooled internal rate of return (PIRR) is a method of calculating the overall internal rate of return (IRR) of a portfolio that consists of several projects by ...
合并内部收益率(PIRR) 是一种通过组合各个项目的现金流来计算由多个项目组成的投资组合的整体内部收益率(IRR) 的方法。为了计算这一点,您不仅需要知道收到的现金 ...
... PIRR、EIRR及DSCR。上述三種模式之試算結果,發現若以滿足民間廠商基本投資報酬率,同時融資機構之還款風險需獲得保障為原則,政府在此案例中恐難在現行法令約束之出資 ...
EIRR v/s PIRR – case series · Conference: 41st Kerala State Dental Conference · At: Nedumbaserry, Kerala. Authors:.
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Feb 1, 2023 · So you have (I'm over simplifying, but just so you get the logic) : PIRR = EIRR * equity + Debt IRR (or COD) * debt Knowing that PIRR is fixed, ...